Feng shui basics for your home

Feng shui basics for your home

Ever wondered how a feng shui house is actually structured or what feng shui in Australian homes actually looks like? Follow or expert advice and feel happier in your home today.

We caught up with feng shui master, Philip Wong, who has worked with homeowners around the world, and asked him to share some insights on creating a feng shui house.

To kick us off, he’s given us a rundown on the basics of feng shui and some of its key teachings.

What is feng shui?

Feng shui is all about the balance of energies (also known as Qi). Through the placement of feng shui elements, we can gather positive energy to assure health and good fortune; at the same time, we can channel out negative energy to create harmony in our space. You can draw on aspects of feng shui that you feel you want or need to improve the way your property feels and functions.

Central to feng shui is what’s called a Bagua (bagua means eight-sided) map that lays out the nine separate areas of energy and intention in feng shui. In arranging a room, these translate to nine areas to note. Divide your room into those areas then overlay the map to see which parts might need correcting or attention.

When the structure of an area cannot be physically changed to suit the ideal energy that’s desired in a feng shui house, you can use a ‘cure’. This is usually in the form of objects like mirrors, running water (like a fountain), plants or pets (like goldfish).

Cures help us fend off negative energies.

Feng shui tips for your home

A feng shui house is all about good home design, the arrangement of internal living spaces and integrating aesthetically pleasing decorative elements which promote harmony and a sense of wellbeing.

But it’s easy to get wrong. Here are some common sources of negative energy in feng shui around our homes.

Bowing or blade-shaped curves

Bending roads shaped like curved blades are considered bad feng shui for Australian homes (and those all over the world!). The blade-liked curves are said to bring bad luck on health. When your building or house is located across the curve, you can use broad leaf plants to shield your home from the negative energy. Plants, such as pothos, canes or bamboos are commonly used for shielding purposes and are easy to keep around the house.

If your window is facing a curved road, such as an overpass or curved highway, you should look at blocking and redirecting the possibility of negative energy. A combination of curtains and convex mirrors (a fisheye mirror or a curved mirror) can do the trick. Curtains should be kept down at all times, while convex mirrors should be placed outside the window, facing the curve, to divert the energy. (Mirrors are commonly used in feng shui to manipulate space and guide energy).

Street lights

For individual houses or low-rise apartments, you might find you look directly at a street light. Looking straight at a lamp post is also bad feng shui. The obstructed view is said to bring bad luck to your career; bright lights from the lamp posts are said to also affect sleeping quality. Aim to keep curtains down at night, blocking the lamp post from view and keeping its bright light from shining into your home.

Pointy objects

Any point, such as antennas or building corners, pointing into your home can lead to bad feng shui. Points introduce ‘sha’ into your living space. Feng shui teaches that ‘sha’ can bring bad luck to health and an imbalance in relationships or legal worries. Again, the simplest way is to avoid or to block the energy. Curtains, mirrors, or other cures in the Bagua map are the best tools to keep the home safe and harmonious.

Feng shui affects members of the household more effectively, depending on the direction of energy source. This ‘family and directions’ table shows how negative energy can affect members of your family.

Living in dense urban environments (like Hong Kong, Sydney or Melbourne), some negative feng shui elements are often unavoidable, but the most important thing to keep in mind is how you feel in your living space.

Proximity to an energy source affects its intensity and impact. If you feel uncomfortable or uneasy looking around or outside at certain elements, try to block them. If a street light or antenna doesn’t bother you at all, then don’t worry about it.

Keep in mind, the key to good feng shui for Australian homes is balance, harmony and inner-peace – for you!